Dream Island
Jona (6 years old): “My dream island has palm trees that you can sit under and chill when it’s super-sunny out. Under the ground you can see a treasure that you can dig up, as well as the bones of the pirates who used to live there. You can live inside the tower and eat all the delicious food you want. The shed next door is where the restaurant keeps all its food and drink. You can travel to and from the island by floating on the currents of the sea surrounding the island. You can even get to work that way, since everyone’s wearing their swimming togs all the time anyway!”
The next issue of Plan Amsterdam will be about transformation – a complicated word meaning change. If you were to live in a factory, for instance, what would it look like? If you are in primary school and would like your drawing to be featured in Plan Amsterdam, e-mail it to us at
Dream Island

Jona (6 years old): “My dream island has palm trees that you can sit under and chill when it’s super-sunny out. Under the ground you can see a treasure that you can dig up, as well as the bones of the pirates who used to live there. You can live inside the tower and eat all the delicious food you want. The shed next door is where the restaurant keeps all its food and drink. You can travel to and from the island by floating on the currents of the sea surrounding the island. You can even get to work that way, since everyone’s wearing their swimming togs all the time anyway!”
The next issue of Plan Amsterdam will be about transformation – a complicated word meaning change. If you were to live in a factory, for instance, what would it look like? If you are in primary school and would like your drawing to be featured in Plan Amsterdam, e-mail it to us at