The comprehensive vision as a living story

By Frank van den Beuken
The Omgevingsvisie Amsterdam 2050 is a living story in the sense that the story is told and used in various practices, but also in that it continues to develop. This starts with the vision being used and appropriated by people, both within the municipal organisation and outside of it, and including professionals and non-professionals.

Interplay between vision and practice
The vision provides guidance and space, enabling various parties to take the initiative. The effect of the vision is shaped by putting it into practice, not only by further developing it, but also by closely examining what is needed in practical terms and adapting the rules and statements in the vision accordingly.
Enriching and connecting storylines
The comprehensive vision contains several interrelated storylines, starting with the title: we want to be a human metropolis, and that’s what this is all about. Amsterdam is and will remain an inspiring metropolis that is globally significant, and is made up of locally connected communities in the region. It is and will be a metropolis in which people can develop and feel safe and at home, and which contributes to a sustainable world. Five choices have been defined that are linked to this ambition and to the challenges facing the city, with storylines that must be further enriched and connected.

Dynamic guidance tool
The comprehensive vision will be monitored every two years and can be updated periodically as a result. This biennial monitoring will determine how the city is doing in relation to the five strategic choices and the extent to which the storylines and frameworks in the vision provide sufficient support and encourage initiatives. We are also working on an implementation plan that will provide clarity and focus with respect to all activities related to the development of the comprehensive vision in policy and projects. This makes the comprehensive vision, together with this implementation agenda, a dynamic guidance tool for the municipal council and the municipal executive. The dynamic nature of the comprehensive vision instrument aligns with the notion of the policy cycle in the Environment Act.

The local vision as a living story

By Frank van den Beuken
The Omgevingsvisie Amsterdam 2050 is a living story in the sense that the story is told and used in various practices, but also in that it continues to develop. This starts with the vision being used and appropriated by people, both within the municipal organisation and outside of it, and including professionals and non-professionals.

Interplay between vision and practice
The vision provides guidance and space, enabling various parties to take the initiative. The effect of the vision is shaped by putting it into practice, not only by further developing it, but also by closely examining what is needed in practical terms and adapting the rules and statements in the vision accordingly.

Enriching and connecting storylines
The comprehensive vision contains several interrelated storylines, starting with the title: we want to be a human metropolis, and that’s what this is all about. Amsterdam is and will remain an inspiring metropolis that is globally significant, and is made up of locally connected communities in the region. It is and will be a metropolis in which people can develop and feel safe and at home, and which contributes to a sustainable world. Five choices have been defined that are linked to this ambition and to the challenges facing the city, with storylines that must be further enriched and connected.
Dynamic guidance tool
The comprehensive vision will be monitored every two years and can be updated periodically as a result. This biennial monitoring will determine how the city is doing in relation to the five strategic choices and the extent to which the storylines and frameworks in the vision provide sufficient support and encourage initiatives. We are also working on an implementation plan that will provide clarity and focus with respect to all activities related to the development of the comprehensive vision in policy and projects. This makes the comprehensive vision, together with this implementation agenda, a dynamic guidance tool for the municipal council and the municipal executive. The dynamic nature of the comprehensive vision instrument aligns with the notion of the policy cycle in the Environment Act.
The policy cycle
The comprehensive vision is part of what is known as a policy cycle, as described in the Environment Act. This is divided into four phases: policy design, policy development, implementation and feedback. Based on feedback gained from monitoring and evaluation, the cycle can be repeated. The policy cycle shapes the movement towards spatial quality and coherence, not only between projects but also at the city and regional level. It also makes transparent the connection between the comprehensive vision, policy and environmental programmes, environmental plan and spatial projects. This should be viewed in conjunction with more organic collaborative citymaking and with cooperation with other authorities.